Now, I don’t think he’ll actually read this blog, which is par for the course since he doesn’t actually read anything. However, I do believe it’ll make us feel better and decrease the necessity of therapy or prescription medication that we may need to accept the harsh reality of the unmitigated disaster that has been the Bush presidency. And it doesn’t have to be just Bush; go ahead and write letters to anyone in his administration, or any political ally, for that matter. I’ll begin.
Dear President Bush:
You haven’t fooled me. I see right through your smirk, you know, the one you wear every time you’re lying. It’s funny that approximately 30% of the people have yet to see that. Yes, you can fool that 30% all of the time, and you can fool 90% some of the time (such as September of 2001), but “you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” That’s your harsh reality, Sir. And your legacy will be this:
- An unnecessary, unjust, immoral and illegal war based on incorrect intelligence at best, and outright lies at worst
- Gross incompetence in handling that war
- Rampant corruption and cronyism
- $3 trillion added to that national debt in seven years, the vast majority coming in the first six years, with a “fiscally conservative” (say that with straight face) Republican congress
- Soaring trade deficits, hitting $763.3 billion in 2006
- A severely weakened dollar
- A health care crisis you did nothing about – sky-rocketing costs leaving 47 million uninsured, millions more under insured and even fully insured middle class families in dire straights in the event of serious medical problems
- An energy crisis you did nothing about – especially the continued reliance on oil, the rapidly escalating costs of which are tricking throughout the economy
- Failed educational policy
- A severely degraded environment, jeopardizing the ecological sustainability necessary for future prosperity
I’m not sure if a worse president is even theoretically, let alone practically, possible.
I also should have mentioned:
*Stagnant wages among all workers, even degreed professionals, and steadily disappearing manufacturing jobs
*Severe restrictions of liberties essential to democracy, such as freedom of speech and religion
*Imprisonment without any actual charges, without any representation, without any hope for those who may not be guilty of anything
*Use of torture
You forgot:
*Katrina failure
*Undermining the constitution
*implementing economic policies that led to increases in the poverty rate while curtailing social safety nets
*the creation of tens of thousands (or more) of disabled vets while not increasing the budget accordingly to tend to their medical needs.
*trusting a "gut" about world leaders rather than learning anything about those leaders, their policies etc., and then conducting foreign policy on those gut instincts (and thus ignoring the de-democratization of Russia for years before realizing a problem was brewing)
I'll probably think of more.
Yeah, it's tough to remember all of the outrages. It's pretty sad.
I should have dicussed Katrina and the cutting of VA benefits (while, of course, making more veterans). Thanks for those.
and doing nothing about our obscene use of natural resources (6-8% of world population using 25% of world resources) as we face worldwide water and fossil fuel depletion. and illegally attacking, invading and occupying an oil rich county doesn't count!
oh and torturing humans in our name. and add all the crimes against humanity we don't even know about yet since you are the most secretive,greedy, cruel bunch of criminals the world has ever seen.
all the money stolen from our national treasury (put on my great,great+++ grandchildren's credit cards)and given to your buddies.
spreading tons of depleted(NOT) uranium in the homeland of innocent people causing genocide for millions of years. (the gift that keeps on giving)and setting the world(and our military personel and their families) up for the biggest healthcare crisis ever seen.
selling our county off to the highest bidders to enrich yourselves.
I'm sure i will think of more!
jpeg, nice list, and thanks for posting. I actually think we're only about 4% of the world's population, but good point. We don't talk about our overconsumption enough in this country.
yes i've heard various estimates but usually quote high so as not to be accused of exaggeration. the other factoid i heard recently was that of all the comsumption about 26% of everything ends up in the landfill. it's time for us to face the truth and it would be good to have leaders/representatives committed to that.
That 26% figure is sad. I didn't know that, but it certainly doesn't surprise me. The technology exists to recycle just about everything. (Example: Compost can be turned to an energy source.) Maybe we'll all learn when there's no more land for agriculture or to maintain the biodiversity necessary for human life.
I like it, but I can't believe you forgot Katrina, Plamegate, etc. Anyway, nice rant.
oh I almost forgot -
Here's a good link. fr, you should really do better research.
A list of Bush scandals
Good points, but to me, "rampant corruption and cronyism" was a general statement that sort of covered all of that.
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